We’re investing to keep your energy costs down!

Date: 04/07/2024

This month Operations Control Specialist Sharon shares how a £170,000 home improvement project is helping customers to keep their energy costs down.

In January our Property Team began a brand-new improvement programme at Rhodes Court as a direct result of your feedback.

The project, which is due to be completed this month, has replaced all storage heaters at the scheme after residents told us they were no longer working as they should.

We caught up with Sharon to find out more about the project, and how customers will benefit from the improvements.

“It’s been an exciting project”, said Sharon.

“Residents fed back that they were having issues with their older storage heaters, and found they weren’t heating up effectively.

“When residents reported the issues, we quickly got to work to replace the old heating system with a new more energy efficient system that would keep the heat in people’s homes for longer, and hopefully help to save our customers money too!

“So far, we’ve nearly replaced all of the heaters at the scheme, and the total cost of the project will be just under £170,000.

“We’re replacing the old, with new high heat retention storage heaters. They have a lot of clever features that will help to keep customers homes warm for longer.

“They’re designed and developed in the UK and store low-cost, off-peak energy to be used on demand throughout the day. They’re currently the most economical heating system on the market today.

“They have three customisable heating timers, each with four temperature settings for each day of the week, meaning customers can adapt the temperature of their home to match their lifestyle or deliver heat in their homes only when it’s needed.

“Once the project is finished at the end of July, it will mean customers will have a more energy efficient heating system, providing better value for money for them too.

“We’ve had great feedback from residents who say they’re a vast improvement on the previous system. So we’re keen to do more of these projects to ensure customers across all of our schemes have energy efficient homes.”

Want to share feedback about your heating system? Complete our quick contact form here: www.honeycombgroup.org.uk/complaints

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