Introducing our new way of working!

Date: 21/06/2024

We’re introducing a new customer and neighbourhood model that hopes to improve your customer experience.

Woman and man standing in kitchen with a drink in their hand looking at each other and smiling

At Staffs Housing, we always want to provide you with a great customer experience, where we talk straight, don’t over complicate, and keep you at the forefront of the process. Thanks to your feedback at our customer roadshows and recent coffee mornings, we’ve made some key changes that we hope will improve your customer experience with us.

New neighbourhood patches

Wedgwood, Moorcroft, and Gladstone

We want you to see more staff in your schemes and communities – something you told us was really important to you.

As a result of your feedback, we’ve reconfigured our neighbourhood model and have created three new patches, and in true potters' style named them after local pottery makers, Wedgwood, Moorcroft, and Gladstone.

Before now, your neighbourhood teams were made up of Housing Officers which all had their own area of specialism in ASB, lettings, neighbourhoods or shared ownership.

We’ve now changed this approach, and instead we have NINE Neighbourhood Officers who will support you with all of those areas.

It means that there will be more staff available to speak to you and support you with anything relating to your housing journey, while also providing more opportunities for the team to visit your homes and schemes.

New customer hubs

with drop-in sessions

You told us that making it easier to get in touch with was important to you. As a result, we’ve reviewed our customer service approach.

Before now, we had a customer service team who worked out of our head office, who would respond to all general enquiries and a village team. We’re moving away from this typical call centre approach and have combined the teams to create 15 Customer Advisors and THREE new customer hubs.

Each neighbourhood (Wedgwood, Moorcroft, and Gladstone) will have a dedicated space at our villages, that we’re calling customer hubs, where our team of Customer Advisors and Neighbourhood Officers will work from. Ensuring that staff are on hand to support anyone living at the village and in the immediate community with drop-in sessions.

As we introduce the new changes, you’ll be able to drop-in at each village reception in the morning from 10am-12pm and then in the afternoon from 1-3pm. While also still having the option to visit our head office reception during 9am-5pm.

How will this help?

We’re hoping that all of this will mean you’ll be able to speak to your dedicated Neighbourhood Officer or a Customer Advisor in your scheme, at your local community hub, or at our head office. Meaning you won’t have to get in touch with our general enquiries email or phone number, which can then be freed up for more urgent enquiries. Hopefully making it easier for you to get in touch with us.

We want your feedback!

We’ll look to review our new way of working and drop-in session times on an ongoing basis to make sure they continue to work for you. If you have any feedback, questions, or concerns, please get in touch with our customer involvement team on:

Thank you for your continued support and please bear with us and our staff as we introduce these changes.

Mary Walker
Executive Director of Operations

Meet your Neighbourhood team!

Meet our team of Neighbourhood Officers and discover your local customer hub

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