The Better Together Policy lets customers know what they can expect from us at Staffs Housing, and also what we expect from you in return.

A starter tenancy is a type of assured tenancy which lasts for one year.
What happens after?
If you've enjoyed living in your new home, and we've both stuck to the Better Together policy, we will convert your starter tenancy into a full assured tenancy.
Find out more about starter tenancies here

When you signed up as a tenant of Staffs Housing, you will have been given a copy of your tenancy agreement. It includes your rights and responsibilities such as;
Your rights...
- To live in your home without interference from us, except when we need access to carry out repairs, inspections or gas safety checks
- To have any gas appliances that we have installed checked and serviced every year
- To have the structure and exterior of your home kept in good and safe condition
- To have heating, water heating, bathroom and kitchen facilities that were installed by us kept in good working order
- To have any communal areas cleaned and maintained
- To receive information about our services and policies
- To confidentiality, in accordance with the Data Protection Act, when you give us your personal details
- To be notified if we plan to make any changes to the way your home is managed or maintained
- To complain and receive a timely response if things go wrong
Your responsibilities...
- To pay your rent on time
- To tell us straight away if you have any problems with paying
- To keep your home in good and clean condition, and to not store dangerous or flammable materials in your home
- If you have your own garden, to keep it in a tidy condition and free from rubbish so that it does not cause a problem for your neighbours
- Not to keep rubbish or store other items in communal areas
- Not to park heavy goods vehicles, caravans, motor homes, trailers or boats in your car park or driveway without our permission
- To get our permission before keeping pets
- To report repairs quickly
- To be a good neighbour
- Members of your household and your visitors must not cause a nuisance, annoyance nor engage in anti-social behaviour
- Not commit any form of racial or other harassment
- Not use your home for any illegal purposes
- To get our permission before running a business from your home
- To advise us of any change in your circumstances
- To give us at least 4 weeks’ notice in writing if you want to end your tenancy

At Staffs Housing, we’re a community of staff and neighbours and we want everyone to live in a home they feel proud of.
We want neighbours to get on with each other and being a good neighbour is about more that just keeping to your tenancy agreement.

With our Lettings Policy, you're able to bid on any property that suits your needs.
If you're worried that your house is under-occupied and that you might have your benefits reduced, (sometimes called the 'bedroom tax'), then take a look at our properties available for rent on our website.
In some circumstances, we might be able to help by requesting housing benefit payments from your local authority (via our money advice service). In some cases, we can look at alternative smaller accommodation.
Alternatively, you could complete a mutual exchange. This is where you ‘swap’ your home with a housing association or council tenant’s home. Exchanging homes isn’t as complicated as it might sound, and we will help you all the way through the process.

With our Lettings Policy, you're able to bid on any property that suits your needs.
If your home is no longer big enough for your household, then take a look at our properties available for rent on our website.
Alternatively, you could complete a mutual exchange. This is where you ‘swap’ your home with a housing association or council tenant’s home. Exchanging homes isn’t as complicated as it might sound, and we will help you all the way through the process.

Whether you're looking to downsize, find a bigger property, or buy your first home, there are lots of options available.
- Complete a mutual exchange with another social housing or council tenant
- Apply for another one of our homes in our find a home section
- Looking to buy? Shared Ownership might be an affordable way into home ownership. Take a look at our homes available.
- End your tenancy if you're looking for a home that isn't a Staffs Housing property

If you want to leave your Staffs Housing home please give us 28 days’ notice in writing.
You’ll need to complete a form so that we can end the tenancy properly. If you have decided to leave, give us a ring on 01782 744533 and we’ll pop one in the post.
Bringing your keys back
On your last day in the property, return all your keys to our head office or hand your keys over to your resident scheme manager if you have one.
If you can’t come to the office for some reason speak to your housing officer who will let you know another way to return your keys.
Moving out
Make sure you've taken all of your belongings with you and that the home is clean and tidy. If we have to pay for cleaning or removal of items we will have to charge this back to you.
Don’t forget
Remember to let telephone, gas and electricity suppliers and any other service providers know that you’re moving out. You might also want to get your post redirected to your new address.
And finally…
Thanks for being a Staffs Housing resident. All the best in your new home!